Stories of Meticulous Balancing

Stories of Meticulous Balancing

Father and daughters: John Wycliffe Kwikiriza with Sandra Blessing Kwikiriza and Anais Wibabara In the USA, the proportion of dual earner married couples more than doubled between 1960 and 2000, increasing from 25% to 60% (Pew Research Center, 2015). Since 2000, over...
Mothers Dare to Dream

Mothers Dare to Dream

Mothers everywhere struggle with the age-old question regarding the balance of work and kids. More recently, mothers have been speaking truth to the theory of having it all. Women’s determination to be all and do all in the juggling act of balancing life often results...

The True Essense of Beauty

Every country has a reason to celebrate mothers. In Afghanistan, the official Mother’s Day is June 16. In 2016, Tolo news ran a piece that led with a statement from the Chief Executive of Afghanistan, Abdullah Abdullah. He said, “Women are the real...